Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Where Am I With Others?

The other day we talked about where we are with God. Today, I ask? Where are we with others?

I really love music. I have since the time I was a young man. When I was around 13 or 14, I started learning how to play guitar. I appreciate the great harmony of music. You can be down in the dumps, going through something horrible, and a song can pull you straight out of that. For those of us that love music, we may all have a song or two that we fall back on in those times.

          I want to look at the actual definition of the word harmony for a second. It means the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect. Good music does that for me. It produces “a good and a pleasing effect.”

          Psalm 133:1 says, “How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!” When we are all getting along does it not have this same effect? I can go to work in a great mood and within 30 minutes of being there someone with a negative attitude can pull me right down with them.

          When you speak positive words to them the outcome is much different than if you fall into the negativity that they themselves are reflecting. We realize that sometimes when we take our problems home with us. Our spouse or family may be excited to see us when we get home, and we are frustrated and angry, and unfortunately, they become the victims of our emotional rage!

          The original word used in that verse for wonderful means – good for the intended purpose! The same word is used in the creation account in Genesis 1. Wow! When God was creating the heavens and the earth and he said, “Ok, this is good.” When he created male and female in His own image and said, “Ok, this is good!” That is the same exact thing he has about healthy relationships amongst us!

          Most of us are self-centered and to selfish to worry about others these days! The next verse goes on to say, “For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil that was poured over Aaron’s head, that ran down his beard and onto the border of his robe” (Psalm 133:2). This verse is describing God’s presence. It is God’s presence and provision that enable us to have this kind of relationship! I have those three words highlighted there because in the original language they are all the same word. The word means “descend.” That is because the blessing for this kind of relationship, this kind of love, comes from above – from God and God alone!

          So, as you go about your day, be thankful for those that you have in your life that you sometimes take for granted. The one’s that you sometimes mistreat and take your anger out on. The one’s that you work with, be thankful for them, and try to bless them somehow rather than tear them down! How much better could life be if we all live in unity?

Be Encouraged, Chris

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