Sunday, June 14, 2020

Where Am I With God?

Where Am I With God?

Genesis 3:1-13

          A few months back if you would have asked me that question, my answer would have been, “Who is God?” I once was close to Him, but I chose a life of pursuing sinful desires rather than the life that He had laid out for me. What a stupid horrible choice that was. My sin had made me so shameful that I completely cut Him out of my life. Guilt and shame will make you do that. Have you ever wronged someone and then tried your best to avoid them because you did not want to face the consequences of your actions?

          I had a bad drug problem when I was in my early 20’s. This addiction led me to do horrible things. I found some of my grandfather’s blank checks one time. I stole a couple of them and wrote them out and cashed them. I think it was a total of $800 or so dollars. Thankfully, he had insurance on his money and his bank refunded him the money. He knew it was me and my family knew it was me. I avoided him for probably close to 2 years over that. I felt so horrible that I could not face him. That is exactly what is happening to Adam and Eve in this passage.

          Verse 8 says, “They hid from God.” Do you see how sin separates now? The thing is though, we cannot hide from God! We can run and cut Him out of our life, but we cannot hide from Him. If we choose our sinful desires over God, He will let us! And one of the consequences of that is that sin will increase in your life. The separation will grow further from God and from other people in your life!

          Adam and Eve had a perfect relationship with God. One little mess up was a chain reaction that led them to separation from God! The flame from a cigarette lighter is not that bad. It is just a small flame. But if you pour gas all over the place and then light that little flame over it, what will happen? I do not have to tell you because you know.

          My sinful behavior caused me to push everyone in my life away. For the past 3 months, I have been working on my relationship with God and with other people. Things are coming back together. Even though God forgives us for our sinful behavior, the worldly consequences stick with us much longer. It is not worth it. So, I leave you with this question today? Where are you with God? Is your relationship non-existent, are you hiding, or are you separated because of sin? What in your life needs to change to draw you closer to God?

Be Encouraged, Chris

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