Saturday, June 6, 2020

Bible Study Proverbs 6:20-35

Proverbs 6:20-35 “Warning Against Adultery.” My notes

          The audience is they young man or I see myself; “the fool” or the simple as it is put – one that makes foolish decisions but can learn and repent from them. I do not despise discipline and instruction; I just sometimes ignore it!

          The important cross references for this passage are Proverbs 3:3 – “Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you. Bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.” This reminds me to always keep the Word of God close to my heart. It will protect me in every area of my life – against any temptations that I may face!

          Psalm 119:105 – “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” This reminds me that God’s Word is acceptable and perfect for guiding my life. God’s Word will always guide me in the right direction and never into temptation!

My Summary

          This is a strong reminder to not stray away from the wonderful Word of God. As soon as we take our eyes off what is most important, it opens the door for evil to enter in. Remember King David “a man after God’s own heart,” even he was overcome by sexual desires “lust.” Keep God’s Word close to you heart and always on your mind so that you will be ready for any temptation that you may face!

          This passage tells us that Adultery is like playing with fire; you will get burned. Once a curtain in a house catches fire, it is difficult to put it out. Once a fire has a foothold, the whole place is in hazard! This describes adultery. This passage tells us rather than to become by a love for lust and sexual desire to rather be attracted to God’s Word adoring and loving God 1st! Adultery starts with lust!

          The Theological Principle that I picked from this passage is Adultery – Sexual relations involving at least one partner who is married to someone else. Such relations break the marriage covenant and are condemned in Scripture. Jesus Christ extended the understanding of adultery to include inner lust as the same as committing adultery!

          Adultery is condemned by God – Matthew 19:18 – “You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness.”

          Adultery begins with lust – Proverbs 6:25 – “Do not despise her beauty in your heart, and do not let her capture you with her eyelashes.” Matthew 5:27-28 – “You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

Application for myself

          This passage reminds me to guard my heart from lustful thoughts. Replace them with godly thoughts and always be ready from temptation. Have a plan of action! Importantly, read God’s Word every day remapping my mind and building my relationship with God!

          David and Bathsheba are an example of how strong lust can be. David was a man after God’s own heart, and still yet fell to his lustful desires. We must always be ready when temptation comes before us, and the way to be ready is to never let our guard down. Always have God’s Word and His promises ready to fight the battle with you.

Application for others

          This passage should be a reminder and to make you think twice before falling into sexual temptation. It is not worth it. The effects and consequences that it will bring to your life is not worth it. Sin causes separation and it will wreak havoc on your life. Imagine dumping a bunch of hot coals into your lap from a burning fire. You are going to get burned bad. Not just burned, but the worse kind of burn – 3rd degree (is that the worse burn there is? If not, then it is going to be even worse).

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