Sunday, May 31, 2020

God Moments

God Moments

          You know how you will just be going about your business through your day, and you will feel this little urge, or little thought, or sometimes even more – like a gigantic push to do something? That happened to me today.

          I got up and went to take the trash out. Immediately, I was aggravated. Both trash cans were overflowing with garbage. I walked off for a moment, collected my thoughts – which were anger and aggravation; went back, said to my wife, “There is something that I need to talk to you about.” Then I began to tell her: “There has to be something else we can do here.” Instead of letting the trash overflow if I do not get to it, take the bag out and place another one in. Then when I go in there, I will carry the bag outside.”

          She said, “Ok, but it was me that done that to try and get you to take it out.” I said, “You know that has the complete opposite effect.” When I go in there and see the trash overflowing like that, it usually aggravates me. So, we resolved the problem without any anger, argument, or other mixed feelings.

          Usually, I would have handled it a lot different. I would have said something out of anger that would have led to her and I getting into an argument. But this time it happened differently. I had one of those urges; and impulse that I usually would not have had. I believe that is because I have been praying for patience and wisdom and every other Godly blessing that will come my way.

          Anyways, long story short – God taught me a lesson out of all that trash! As I began to get a bag and start loading it down with garbage, I felt God saying, “That is exactly how you got where you were.” You see, I let a little sin enter my life, and little by little it became more than I could handle. We cannot handle a little sin in our life. It will weigh us down. We will say, “Ahh! That is not nothing. I can handle that. I am just going to do it once.” That is really, dangerous thinking, and we are ultimately convincing ourselves of our own lies!

          But I realized that is how easily I was separated from God. Little by little I let sin into my life, and before long it was overflowing and just too much to handle. Just like that trash can could not hold anymore garbage – my life was unmanageable! That is when I decided to take the 1st step and admit it. It was then that God could actually start working in my life. Start emptying the trash little by little from my life.

          I really hope that this story touches you in some sort of way. If you are experiencing these same exact things in your life, today is the day. Admit it! Your life has become unmanageable. That is the 1st step to getting your life back!

Be Encouraged, Chris

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