Friday, June 19, 2020

Are you going to answer the call?

Isaiah 42:1

          Do you remember when we were little? Gosh that was so long ago. I remember in P.E. class; we would always play basketball or dodgeball. Those were the days right there. I remember sometimes I would be upset because I would not get picked to play. I mean the ones that did not get picked would get split up onto teams anyways, so we all got to play. But that is not the point. It is just the way that it felt not being picked. It does not feel good does it?

          We do not ever have to feel that way. Isaiah 42:1 says, “I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.” You have been picked by the Creator of the Universe! The God that made the heavens and the earth. Every star that you see in the beautiful sky. How does that make you feel? We seem to always forget that. We should never be concerned if we get picked for a game, or for a job, or for anything really!

          This should be the highlight of our day – everyday! In our toughest times and our strongest doubts, we should not fear because salvation is assured. This crazy, radical, remarkable love that God shows us; we do not deserve, but we have it! What are we doing with it? Some of us are ignoring it. Some of us will never know it.

          When I was saved, I was not seeking God to be saved – He called me. It happened totally unexpected. I am not saying that it happens this way for everyone. That is how it happened for me, and I have saw many accounts through the Bible where it has happened in that same way. When Jesus called the Apostles, He said, “Come, follow me.” They did not run to Him and ask to receive that position! If you are seeking God, He will not turn you away, but if you are seeking Him through works and works only – you will never find Him. It is by faith and faith alone!

          There are a couple different views on this topic of “election” mentioned in this verse here. John Calvin believed that God has chosen to save an unknown number of specific individuals from the deserved consequences of all humanity’s sin – a choice based solely on God’s undeserved mercy.

          Others like Wesley believed that God desires to give all people equally the ability to receive His offer of salvation. I believe both these views. I will tell you why. Sin separates us from God and the further we grow in sin and the harder our heart becomes – the harder it is to make our way to God. And when we do – it is all His doing, and by His power, grace, and mercy! It happened that way for me. I had gone two weeks without a drink and had not even realized that I had quit drinking. No joke! This was back in 2011 or 2012.

          Something happened in my life that drove me away from God and back into my sinful lifestyle. I was so far lost in my sin that I denied God and continued to choose my sinful lifestyle over Him. I was a Youth Minister and an Encourager Coach at Celebrate Recovery. I was doing God’s work and was loving every minute of it. Sin will overtake you faster than you will ever realize that it has. It feels as if swimming in the river and all the sudden before you realize, the current drags you under. It happens that quick – believe me!

          God knows us and He knows that some of us will never return from our life of sin! So, if that is the case, then Wesley could be correct with his view. Does God want to just leave you buried within the sin that has overtaken your life? Of course not! But He gives us all the choice – the choice to choose. It is a choice. I chose sin over God for a long time. I felt Him sometimes. I heard Him sometimes – but I ignored Him.

I do believe that God has called us, but I believe that it is totally up to us whether we answer that call or not. So, with that being said, I believe salvation is available to “everyone” that believes by faith to answer that call. Have you answered, or is the phone still ringing?

Be Encouraged, Chris

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