Saturday, May 30, 2020

Are You Proud?

Are You Proud?

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you” (James 4:10).


          God, thank you for another morning with your Word. I ask that you open my heart to your Word this morning. Help me to understand what it truly means to be humble. Show me how I can humble myself before you in every situation. In your name I pray – Amen!


          I was reading an article about humility, and this guy delivered a point that describes me completely. You would think that he knows me personally. He states, “When trials come, will we bow up with pride, or bow down in humility” (David Mathis, 2020).

          This really made me think about my life and how I react to situations. I am a very prideful person and that is not a good thing at all. The world may tell us it is, but it is not. “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (Proverbs 3:34). I cannot trust God in one area of my life and not the rest. I cannot give up alcohol, porn, cussing, and yet continue lying etc. I get it but why do I continue to do it? I am trying so ridiculously hard to receive God’s grace in this area. I cannot submit to God on my right hand and give in to Satan with my left. That is why I continue to struggle. It seems my left hand takes control more often than my right!

          This is challenging for me because I like to be the center of attention. I am narcissistic like that. It must be all about me – in every situation. Even the wrong ones. But if I continue this way, it can never be about Him. I cannot handle stressful situations very well, so I do not understand why I even try to. That makes even more sense for me to humbly trust God in my life.

          That is easier said than done for me though. Especially when I am caught in the middle of any situation that life throws at me. God is giving me the opportunities to humble myself before Him. I just hope that I do not miss them because I am so self-centered and swollen up with pride!

          I am encouraged because God tells me that His grace is sufficient for me. His grace is better than my anger and better than any self-help technique that I would try. He has shown me that His Word proves true over my life. And that alone is encouraging to me to push forward and be humble in every situation.

          “We do not teach ourselves to be humble. There is no five-step plan for becoming humbler in the next week or month. But the main test and opportunity comes when we are confronted and unsettled, in the moments when our control vanish and we are taken off guard by life in a fallen world – and the question comes” (David Mathis, 2020). So, are we going to humble ourselves before God, or are we going to continue to be proud and prideful missing the opportunity?


1.     I am going to continue to get in the Word every day, pray every day (and in every situation, hopefully), and continue to fast for God. These are the things that are going to help me be humble in every area of my life! I can feel my right hand getting a little stronger : )


          Jesus, thank you so much for what you do for me. Thank you for being there for me when I need you the most. I am sorry that I try to take matters into my own hands after I have promised to trust in you. This is probably my main challenge with trying to apply these principles to my everyday life. I am confident that you will help me more and more if my heart sincerely desires to follow you.

In Jesus Name I Pray

Chris Stringer May 30th, 2020


David Mathis: “How Do I Humble Myself?”

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